The 68th AHC Association
Membership List

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 The 68th AHC Association Board members have elected to have association dues for all members.  The primary   purposes of the dues are provide funds to enable reunion planners and organizers to help secure reunion sites and defray association activities at our reunions.  Most organizations of our size have members pay dues. 

You must be a current paid up Association Member in good standing to attend Unit Reunions.

 The Board members have established the following scale for 68th AHC Association membership dues:

  1 year membership    - - - - -    $10
  3 years membership  - - - - -    $25
  Lifetime membership  - - - -  $100

 The membership dues will be set on a calendar basis from 1 January to 31 December each year.  All funds should be sent to the
 68th AHC Association President at the following address:       

                                      68th Assault Helicopter Company Association, Inc.
                                      c/o Stoney Burke   

                                      1560 Hawthorne Lane   
                                      Prattsville, AL 36066


You may email  President 68th AHC at  



Gary Allison Henry Cobos Robert Gobar Pat McCourt David Stanley
Daniel Andrews Tom Crosby James Hamil Joe McPherson Bill Sheets
Chris Arceneaux Lee Daniels Edwin Harris Jr. Tom Moody Ron Sheffield
Jim Bodkin Dennis Day Russell Helton Robert Palmer R.J. Smith
Jim Bohon Gary Delano Dave Holloway John Morgan Ed Strazzini
Kevin Brooks Gary Drackett Weldon Honeycutt   1st CO Philip Moore William Tighe  (Deceased)
Weltner Broome   (Deceased) Marvin Durkee Wayne Jones Paul Nichols Jack Turbeville
Paul Buckelew Walt Fricke George Kanakaris Sandy Noyes Robert Tyma
Stoney Burke Bernard DeLao Everett "Sid" King George Owens Frans VandenBroek
Ed Burns Rich Furness Al Langley Andrew Platacis Bobby Vernoy
Ray Cady Harry Gawkowski  (Deceased) John "Buzz" Lasch Jim Radcliff Roy Watson
Charlie Campbell Steve Gillespie George Manly  (Deceased) Paul Richards James Brooks
Stan Christian Dave Green  (Deceased) Carlton McClain Jim Rodgers William A. (Bill) Jugel, Jr.

  One & Three year memberships start on Jan.1 & go through Dec.31 of the year registered
  The number at the end of the members name indicates the year the membership is effective
example  - 12 - this membership is effective through Dec. 31, 2012

3 Year

2019 2020 2021 2023
Ed Sitzer Russell Bowers Ed Whisonant Richard Delorso
  David Doggett    
  Ed Fell     
  Doug Pense    
  Richard Ragland    
  Richard Wessel    
  Larry Willoughby    






*If you believe you should be on one of the lists above and currently are not listed, please contact: 68th AHC President at 68th AHC President