Joseph  Christian

son of Capt. Stanley Christian
Top Tiger 5 - Mustang 6 - Operations Officer

 Please read the letter below from Joseph's mom for more information on Joseph's condition.

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    Emails from Stan on Joseph's condition.

To the 68th Gang:        6-30-2005

I have great news to report.  Today Joseph (my son) was able for the first time in a year to move his little finger and ring finger on his right hand and has some feeling in his right forearm.  This is a great victory in the fact it is happening so soon after his transplant surgery. We are all excited and thrilled beyond words for this movement.  I felt it is important to let everyone know, because of all the support that we have received from all my dear friends. I will keep you updated on any further progress.


To the 68th Gang:        6-10-2005

I just arrived home night before last and was very exhausted.  Josephs' surgery went well; however it will be some time before we know what kind of results he will receive from the transplants.  He is presently having a very hard time with the immune suppressant and anti-rejection medications and has been very ill and had to be re-hospitalized after his release. Joseph his mother and I have been very thankful for all the support from everyone, and we want everyone to know how much we appreciate everyone for prayers and everything.  (THANK YOU).  I have been asked by several people, Joseph is going to be needing continual medical care and medications after this surgery and the best way to help is through the National Transplant Org. as in the web site. That way all donations are tax deductible and keeps everything above board. Joseph sends his personal thanks.

Stan Christian and family.

To the 68th Gang:        6-2-2005

Talked with Stan last night - the operation was postponed for a week after they all got to NJ due to an infection.  The operation has been successfully completed.   Stan heads back home tomorrow.  He will send the gang  an update when he returns.  Joseph's progress will be very slow in any case, may be many months before he feels any change.  The family still has a huge needs for continued funding as just the medication for Joseph runs like $2,700 a month.

GR Webster

To the 68th Gang:        5-09-2005

Next week is the big week. Joseph's surgery in NJ is on the 20th next Friday. I want to pass on to all Mustangs and Top Tigers my thanks for all their support their contributions have been a great help in our fund raising activities. We have raised a little over half what we need and they are going on with the transplant surgery next week. Needless to say I am very concerned about this whole process as this will only be the 6th time this surgery has been done and the first for this type injury. FOX News is doing a documentary on his surgery so everyone will be able to see what they gave for. I don't have a broadcast date for it as of yet, but I will pass it on when I find out.

Again I want to thank all of my friends for their help. I will send you an update as soon as I return from NJ.



Click on the letter to view it in 
high resolution & to print

To contribute click here and select Campaign Donations.  Be sure to select Joseph's name from the patients list.

Stan's email 

The size of paper provided by the US Park Service to visitors for etchings at Vietnam Veterans Memorial is 11" x 4".  The two high resolution (hr) images above are from etchings taken by the David Green family on March 19, 2005.  You can download and print the hr images to there actual size.

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