Information on U.S. Army helicopter UH-1C tail number 66-15240
The Army purchased this helicopter 1067
Total flight hours at this point: 00000131
Date: 05/22/68
Unit: 355 AVN
This was a Combat incident. This helicopter was REPAIRED IN THEATER
for Close Air Support
Unknown this helicopter was Attacking at 1500 feet and 110 knots.
Helicopter took 2 hits from:
Small Arms/Automatic Weapons; Gun launched non-explosive ballistic projectiles less than 20 mm in size. (7.62MM)
The helicopter was hit in the Canopy
Systems damaged were: UNK
The helicopter Continued Flight.
The aircraft continued and accomplished all mission objectives.
Original source(s) and document(s) from which the incident was created or updated: Survivability/Vulnerability Information Analysis Center Helicopter database. Also: UH1P3, 14302 ()
Information on U.S. Army helicopter UH-1C tail number 66-15240
The Army purchased this helicopter 1067
Total flight hours at this point: 00000231
Date: 07/15/68
This was a Combat incident. This helicopter was REPAIRED IN THEATER
This was a Recon mission for Armed Escort , Other Aircraft.
While Enroute this helicopter was Climbing at 0500 feet and 085 knots.
South Vietnam
Helicopter took 1 hits from:
Small Arms/Automatic Weapons; Gun launched non-explosive ballistic projectiles less than 20 mm in size. (7.62MM)
The helicopter was hit in the Engine Compartment
Systems damaged were: ELECTRICAL SYS
The helicopter Continued Flight.
The aircraft continued and accomplished all mission objectives.
Original source(s) and document(s) from which the incident was created or updated: Survivability/Vulnerability Information Analysis Center Helicopter database. Also: UH1P3, 19701 ()
Information on U.S. Army helicopter UH-1C tail number 66-15240
The Army purchased this helicopter 1067
Total flight hours at this point: 00000647
Date: 05/11/69
Unit: 68 AVN
This was a Combat incident. This helicopter was REPAIRED IN THEATER
for Close Air Support
While Enroute this helicopter was in Descent at 1000 feet and 100 knots.
South Vietnam
Helicopter took 1 hits from:
Small Arms/Automatic Weapons; Gun launched non-explosive ballistic projectiles less than 20 mm in size. (12.7MM)
The helicopter was hit in the Bottom
Systems damaged were: FLT CONTROLS
The helicopter made a Forced Landing. Aircraft took off, fully flight capable.
The aircraft was diverted or delayed after completing some mission objectives.
Original source(s) and document(s) from which the incident was created or updated: Survivability/Vulnerability Information Analysis Center Helicopter database. Also: UH1P3, 13102 ()
Information on U.S. Army helicopter UH-1C tail number 66-15240
The Army purchased this helicopter 1067
Total flight hours at this point: 00002052
Date: 03/11/72
Unit: 192 AHC
South Vietnam
Original source(s) and document(s) from which the incident was created or updated: Defense Intelligence Agency Helicopter Loss database. Also: OPERA (Operations Report. )
Loss to Inventory
The following is Goldbook
information on US Army helicopter UH-1C tail number 66-15240
It is provided here as an ESTIMATE of the history of this helicopter
and is not intended to be the final authority.
This helicopter was purchased by the US Army in 1067.
Please provide any additional information on this helicopter to the VHPA.
DATE FLT HRS UIC UNIT AREA POST COUNTRY 196710 0 0 W0Y6AA INTRANSIT IN TRANSIT AVCOMCTR 196711 0 0 1715 355 AVN CO 4TH ARMY FORT SILL 4TH ARMY 196712 0 0 3300 355 AVN CO 4TH ARMY FORT SILL 4TH ARMY 196801 0 0 3300 355 AVN CO 4TH ARMY FORT SILL 4TH ARMY 196802 0 0 3300 355 AVN CO 4TH ARMY FORT SILL 4TH ARMY 196803 46 46 3241 355 AVN CO 4TH ARMY FORT SILL 4TH ARMY 196804 0 46 3241 BELL HCPTR BAILMENT FT WORTH AVCOM 196805 85 131 3241 355 AVN CO 4TH ARMY FORT SILL 4TH ARMY 196806 43 174 3241 355 AVN CO 4TH ARMY FORT SILL 4TH ARMY 196807 57 231 3241 OPM SEA NITEOPS 1ST ARMY FORT BELVOIR AMC 196808 74 305 WAB3D0 CO D 101 AHB VIETNAM RVN 196809 37 342 WAB3D0 CO D 101 AHB VIETNAM RVN 196810 97 439 WAB3D0 CO D 101 AHB VIETNAM RVN 196811 85 524 WAB3D0 CO D 101 AHB VIETNAM RVN 196812 33 557 WAB3D0 CO D 101 AHB VIETNAM RVN 196901 0 557 WE4HAA 142 TC DS VIETNAM RVN 196902 0 557 WE4HAA 142 TC DS VIETNAM RVN 196903 0 557 WE4HAA 142 TC DS VIETNAM RVN 196904 6 563 WC3FAA 68 ASLT HEL CO VIETNAM RVN 196905 84 647 WC3FAA 68 ASLT HEL CO VIETNAM RVN 196906 77 724 WC3FAA 68 ASLT HEL CO VIETNAM RVN 196907 71 795 WC3FAA 68 ASLT HEL CO VIETNAM RVN 196908 79 874 WC3FAA 68 ASLT HEL CO VIETNAM RVN 196909 86 960 WC3FAA 68 ASLT HEL CO VIETNAM RVN 196910 75 1035 WC3FAA 68 ASLT HEL CO VIETNAM RVN 196911 18 1053 WC3FAA 68 ASLT HEL CO VIETNAM RVN 196912 94 1147 WC3FAA 68 ASLT HEL CO VIETNAM RVN 197001 98 1245 WC3FAA 68 ASLT HEL CO VIETNAM RVN 197002 54 1299 WC3FAA 68 ASLT HEL CO VIETNAM RVN 197003 78 1377 WC3FAA 68 ASLT HEL CO VIETNAM RVN 197004 71 1448 WC3FAA 68 ASLT HEL CO VIETNAM RVN 197005 81 1529 WC3FAA 68 ASLT HEL CO VIETNAM RVN 197006 88 1617 WC3FAA 68 ASLT HEL CO VIETNAM RVN 197007 23 1640 WC3FAA 68 ASLT HEL CO VIETNAM RVN 197008 44 1684 WC3FAA 68 ASLT HEL CO VIETNAM RVN 197009 42 1726 WC3FAA 68 ASLT HEL CO VIETNAM RVN 197010 13 1739 WC3FAA 68 ASLT HEL CO VIETNAM RVN 197011 0 1739 WC3FAA 68 ASLT HEL CO VIETNAM RVN 197012 3 1742 WC3FAA 68 ASLT HEL CO VIETNAM RVN 197101 0 1742 WHB1AA 166 TRANS CO VIETNAM RVN 197102 0 1742 W0MUAA ARADMAC IN MAINT NAVAL AIR STN AVSCOM 197103 0 1742 W0MUAA ARADMAC IN MAINT NAVAL AIR STN AVSCOM 197104 1 1743 W0MUAA ARADMAC IN MAINT NAVAL AIR STN AVSCOM 197105 13 1756 W0MUAA ARADMAC IN MAINT NAVAL AIR STN AVSCOM 197106 12 1768 108TH DIV TNG 3RD ARMY CHARLOTTE RESV 197107 92 1860 WDUYAA 192 AHC VIETNAM RVN 197108 66 1926 WDUYAA 192 AHC VIETNAM RVN 197109 12 1938 WDUYAA 192 AHC VIETNAM RVN 197110 39 1977 WDUYAA 192 AHC VIETNAM RVN 197111 39 2016 WDUYAA 192 AHC VIETNAM RVN 197112 22 2038 WDUYAA 192 AHC VIETNAM RVN 197201 0 2038 WDUYAA 192 AHC VIETNAM RVN 197202 14 2052 WDUYAA 388 TC CO VIETNAM RVN
Please send additions or corrections to:
Gary Roush
43 Overbrook Road
Painted Post, NY 14870
Printed from databases on: 05/14/04
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