2018 Reunion
Registration Fees

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The 2018 Reunion will have one required fee and one optional expense.

The required fee is the Registration Fee, which covers the cost of registration supplies and administrative cost.  It also covers the refreshments for the hospitality suite, which will be open to all registered unit members and their guests during the reunion.


The optional expense is the Gala Saturday Night Dinner and Entertainment Program.  This is the highlight of the reunion, including the “Missing Man Table” and the reading of the names of members who made the “Ultimate Sacrifice.”  Results of the “Silent Auction” to benefit the Tiger Fund will be announced.


Registration for Unit Members………….………….............….$10.00 each

Registration for member’s guest 18 years and older.....$5.00 each

Registration for guest under 18………...……………….………. Free


Saturday Night Dinner & Program……………..…..….....…… $25.00 each


Member and 1 guest attending the reunion & Saturday Dinner..$65.00 Total

Member only attending reunion & Saturday Dinner……………………$35.00 Total


Note: You must be a paid up member to attend the reunion.  Membership is 1 year/$10; 3 years/$25; Lifetime/$100.  The list of current paid up members is available on the unit’s website


It is preferred that Registration Fees, Dinner Cost, & Membership Dues be paid in advance. If that is not possible the monies will be collected when you check in at the reunion.



                                                68TH ASSAULT HELICOPTER CO. ASSN                                                 C/O  Dave Holloway

                                               5454 Romilda Dr.

                                               Cincinnati, OH  45238